Ah, yes, it’s that time of the year again. Well, almost. I’m thinking about the holidays and Christmas pictures early this year because 2022 has been tough on me and my family. I don’t want to get into personal details, but let’s just say that we’ve been through a lot of personal issues so far.
That said, I’m ready to get back to our traditional family country Christmas ways. I love the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree and the twinkling of lights from the Christmas tree all over Jay County, Indiana. My kids love the presents and the many displays in the home and outside.
This year, my family and I want to take some fun Christmas pictures. It’s great to capture these moments for posterity. I want to take some fresh, modern Christmas pictures. Some of the following ideas might really be great for your family as well!
- 15 Fun Family Holiday Photo Ideas
- 1 – Do not hesitate to use props.
- 2 – Use a Christmas holiday lighting background.
- 3 – Remember the reason for the season.
- 4 – Use the right camera settings.
- 5 – Use fewer people.
- 7 – Use filters and Photoshop liberally!
- 8 – Create a cute scene.
- 9 – Try a photo shoot in the snow.
- 10 – Shoot at night.
- 11 – Experiment with mirrors and perspective.
- 12 – Have fun.
- 13 – Don’t forget the family pet.
- 14 – Make sure you have lots of backups.
- 15 – Print the photos.
- Christmas Pictures: Family Holiday Photos Conclusion

15 Fun Family Holiday Photo Ideas
Here’s my list of twenty-one fun family holiday photo ideas for Christmas.
1 – Do not hesitate to use props.
You can use a lot of things as props. A Christmas tree is a great prop. So is a turkey or a Christmas deer. The point of the props is to make the photos fun and memorable. We all have Christmas decorations at home. You can use those. You can also make your own props. A lot of fun can be had by making your own Christmas ornaments and other decorations. You can use them as props too!
2 – Use a Christmas holiday lighting background.
Christmas holiday lighting is a great addition to many of your holiday pictures. The trick is to take the photos after you’ve set up your lights, of course, but most of the work is done for you if you store them properly. (I need to pester the editor – who still remains nameless! – about doing an article on storing holiday lights…) What’s more, you can use your favorite Christmas lights as part of the background. Using these, you’ll make sure your pictures really stand out.
3 – Remember the reason for the season.
Not to get all sentimental on you, but in the hustle and bustle of this hectic season, don’t forget the reason for the season. What’s more, don’t forget your loved ones. Take the time to reflect and make your family a priority. I’m not saying that you need to be religious or otherwise – just take the time to be grateful. Gratitude makes us all better people, and I’m sure you want to be a better person!
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Get your ... Free delivery, award-winning TV, exclusive deals, and more!4 – Use the right camera settings.
Modern cameras come with dozens of advanced settings that are great for all kinds of situations. Use the right settings, and you’ll be sure to get the best photos. Most of the time you’ll want AUTO. (Trust me. Unless you’re an expert, trying to use one of the other settings will only frustrate you. AUTO is the most versatile of all the settings.) Once you’ve mastered AUTO, you can take more control and use more advanced settings to achieve the results you want.
Or you could just use your phone. These days, modern phones have more than enough capability in terms of camera settings and features. Your photos will look great! Just be sure to take a few extra pictures of every scene to make sure you get something really good. You can always delete the bad ones later.
5 – Use fewer people.
While family is the most important thing in life, it’s okay to have one or two less people in your photos. This way they can look more professional, and you can get all of the focus you want. I personally love this, and I do my best to make sure that every photo has only me in it. Or maybe a cat. Okay, I kid, I kid, I just mean that you don’t need ALL your photos to include EVERYONE. Try to find candid moments of people in your family – without being stalker.
(Um, editor, I’ve got another great story pitch, for you!)

7 – Use filters and Photoshop liberally!
Nothing’s wrong with a “before and after” Photoshop image. If you want to show your modified photo to your friends and family, go right ahead! Or if you want to use filters and other tools to create a totally different look, that’s fine too. People will love it! You can even make your best Christmas photos look like they were taken in every place in the world. The best part is that you can get your holiday pictures done quickly. No need to worry about waiting around for the good light to shine!
You can even give everyone a winter wonderland look!
8 – Create a cute scene.
This is one of my favorite ideas. What’s more fun than creating a cute scene with your family? You can do this by making the decorations in your house more modern and contemporary. You can add colors and props or even lights. You can also include the decorations outside, or the Christmas tree, in your photos. I love this idea because it makes the actual holidays feel much more fun and contemporary. I really love this!
9 – Try a photo shoot in the snow.
If you have snow nearby, why not try a photo shoot in it? Snow is a great backdrop for some great holiday photos. I love this time of year, especially when the snow is thick, because the world really looks a lot different. It’s beautiful! This is especially true if you live in the country where the snow is great. The photos that you’ll get will be incredible! Even if you don’t have snow nearby, you can try your best to make snow and use it as a backdrop.
10 – Shoot at night.
Shooting for night is a bit of a different concept, but it works well for holiday photos. The idea is to shoot your Christmas pictures at night with your house and backyard being lit up. It’s a beautiful look! The best part is that the photos are going to look so much different than the ones you take during the day. A beautiful night is perfect for shooting holiday photos.
11 – Experiment with mirrors and perspective.
Mirrors can make for interesting photos if you’ve got a big one. Just make sure it’s clean, and get out of that photo! You can shoot pictures with a mirror and have them have all kinds of cool effects, such as a haunting effect. Or you could just show the fun holiday decorations in your house. This is a really great idea and a lot of fun! This will take a while to get right, so don’t be afraid to take dozens of photos until you get “the one!”
12 – Have fun.
This really is the most important thing to remember. The best photos will come from you and your family having fun. If you’re not having fun, then what’s the point? Take a moment to enjoy the holidays and have fun with it! This will give you a great perspective on the season, too.
13 – Don’t forget the family pet.
This might not be something you’d think of, but don’t forget your family pet! Animal photos are always a hit, and they’re a great way to distract your kids if they’re not enjoying the holiday photos. If you haven’t gotten your pet a costume, then get one! It’s time to put on a great creative costume! If you don’t have a pet, see the Photoshop tip above and add one. I’m sure your relatives and friends will believe you have a Raptor dinosaur as a pet!
14 – Make sure you have lots of backups.
I can’t stress the importance of backups enough. You never know when you’re going to lose all your pictures. Make sure you have copies on a number of devices, and make sure you back them up daily. You never know when something is going to happen, so back up your photos every day! This way, if you lose a camera, or it breaks, or you accidentally delete it, you’ll still have copies. It’ll also help you keep track of your photos and make sure you don’t forget any of them.
15 – Print the photos.
Modern cameras make it easy to print the photos right away. Just plug the camera into your computer, and your pictures will pop right up. If you don’t have a printer, then go to a photo place and print the holiday pictures right away. This is a great thing to do because it makes you easier to store, and it’s just a nice thing to do. The pictures will always be more enjoyable to look at if they’re printed. And you can get a frame. Photo frames make great gifts.
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Christmas Pictures: Family Holiday Photos Conclusion
In conclusion, let me say that I really love holiday pictures. The holidays are always a great time of year. They’re fun and crazy, and you can get so many unique pictures. This year for Christmas, make sure you take some great pictures!
Now, I’m off to pitch some more story ideas. Stay tuned for more, fabulous readers!